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Home / Products / Water Cooled Condensers / HP-MP

Shell and Tube
Horizontal High
Tube Side
Pressure Condensers

HP-MP (Multi-Pressure) condensers have been specially designed with removable end plates and gaskets that can withstand a waterside working pressure of 300 psi and have the capability of operating with high pressure refrigerants such as R410A.

Standard Designs
HP multi-pressure condensers are available in standard designs for water duty. The models feature high-efficiency tube surfaces, and they are available in 8 catalog models from 10 to 80 horsepower (HP). For glycol duty please consult ProSuite or contact the factory.

Tube Materials
HP condensers are manufactured with enhanced 3/4″ OD copper tubing. Heavy wall tube construction is available. The tubes can be easily serviced with commonly available tube cleaning equipment.

As standard, these units offer a horizontal, cleanable tube design. Custom vessels are available with special materials of construction as required by you or your client. Condensers can be made with stainless steel construction for use in corrosive environments.

Multi-Pressure Units – 600 psi Shell Side Working Pressure @ 150° F; 300 psi Tube Side @ 150°F



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Custom and larger models are available, please contact your local sales representative
*Ratings are based on entering water 85°F, leaving water 95°F and saturated condensing temperature of 105°F with 5°F of subcooling
**Pump down capacities are based upon 90% of the shell open volume. Use the following multipliers for refrigerants other than R-22:R-404A= R-22 cap x .89; R-410A=R-22 x 1.033
Nominal ratings include a additive fouling coefficient of 0.00025 as calculated per AHRI Standard 450-2007
ProSuite software values are the most accurate
Tubing has high performance enhanced surfaces
Values shown are correct at the time of publication. All data should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase
HP = 15,000 Btu/hr

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*Pump down capacities are based upon 90% of the shell open volume
Multiply pump down capacities by 0.11 to calculate minimum operating charge
Values shown are correct at the time of publication. All data should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase