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Home / Products / Evaporators / ERS/ERD

Chiller Barrels
Single Circuit
and Dual Circuits


ERS or ERD chiller barrels are one or three pass replacement single circuit evaporators designed for near drop in replacement of most popular Dunham-Bush models.

Standard Designs
ERS chillers are available in standard designs for fresh water duty. They are available in 17 catalog models from 4 to 111 tons.
ERD chillers are available in standard designs for fresh water duty. They are available in 12 catalog models from 16 to 111 tons.

Tube Materials
ERS / ERD chillers with a barrel diameter 6″ and smaller are manufactured with enhanced 1/4″ OD copper tubing and larger units utilize enhanced 3/8″ or 5/16″ diameter copper tubing.

Custom vessels are available with special materials of construction as required by you or your client.

Units are available with insulation, simply add “INS” to the end of the part number, 3/4″ insulation is standard, other thickness insulation are available upon request. Units with heat tape and insulation are available, simply add “INST” to the end of the part number, 120 volt heat tape and 3/4″ insulation are standard.

ASME specification steel pipe. Shells are sand blasted and cleaned prior to assembly.

Copper high performance internally enhanced designed tubing is standard. Other tubing materials are available for corrosive duties.

Tube Sheets
ASME specification steel tube sheets, precision machined for excellent sealing.

Tube Supports
Quality tube supports are manufactured to close tolerances to minimize the risk of vibration.

ASME specification precision machined steel heads. Custom connection versions are available.

All water side connections are FNPT, MNPT or flanged. All refrigerant side connections are IDS. Safety connections are FNPT. Custom nozzle orientations and locations are available.

Exterior surfaces are cleaned and painted with a high quality black paint and primer. Units are shipped with no insulation as standard, custom thickness insulation is available upon request.

Working Pressures:
See table for working pressures.


On all units 6⅝” OD and larger, the refrigerant side is constructed to the latest edition of the ASME Section VIII Div. 1 code standards and is stamped accordingly, while the shell side is non-code. Both sides are tested at 1.3 times the design pressure. Units are helium leak tested to find leaks as small as 1 x 10⁻⁵ mbar.l/s. Canadian registration numbers (CRN) are available upon request. For other code registrations please contact the factory.

Approved Refrigerants
R22, R134a.

Nominal Water Pressure Drop
Nominal pressure drops are given at nominal water flow rates. To determine nominal flow rates in gallons per minute (gpm), multiply the nominal capacity in tons by 2.4. Water pressure drops provided do not include any external fittings or valves.

Non-Approved Refrigerants Unless Cleared by the Factory
Ammonia/R717, due to copper tubing. R404A, R410A & R507A due to recommended operating pressures. Custom units are available for these refrigerants.

Other Refrigerants
All other refrigerants must be approved by Standard Refrigeration before use.

Alternative Options
For two circuit systems use ERD. TX/TXC units. For higher pressure refrigerants use a TXC-MP units. Applications requiring glycol, use TXC-MPG (only available in multiple circuits). For clean fresh water applications use a brazed EVP-ACH.

ERS 1-Circuit

Click on image to zoom

*Ratings are based on entering water 54°F, leaving water 44°F, saturated suction temperature of 35°F, entering TXV temperature of 100°F with 7°F of superheating
Units are available with insulation, simply add “INS” to the end of the part number, 3/4″ insulation is standard, other thickness insulation are available upon request
Values shown are correct at the time of publication. All data should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase
Capacity Tons = 12,000 BTU/hr
For performance data with other refrigerants, please contact the factory.

Click on image to zoom

Units are available with insulation, simply add “INS” to the end of the part number, 3/4″ insulation is standard, other thickness insulation are available upon request.


ERS 2-Circuit

Click on image to zoom

*Ratings are based on entering water 54°F, leaving water 44°F, saturated suction temperature of 35°F, entering TXV temperature of 100°F with 7°F of superheating
Units are available with insulation, simply add “INS” to the end of the part number, 3/4″ insulation is standard, other thickness insulation are available upon request
Values shown are correct at the time of publication. All data should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase
Capacity Tons = 12,000 BTU/hr
For performance data with other refrigerants, please call

Click on image to zoom

Units are available with insulation, simply add “INS” to the end of the part number, 3/4″ insulation is standard, other thickness insulation are available upon request